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About Quebec

  • The Quebec Flag
    The fleurdelisé Adopted in 1948
  • In Canada
    Quebec Largest of Canada’s ten provinces
  • Official Language
    French English is the second language
  • Provincial Capitol and historic city
    Quebec city Montreal is the international metropolis!
  • Area
    1.668 million km² That’s three times the size of France!
  • Climate
    -25 to +25° celcius Winters are cold and summers are hot!
  • Quebec has 3% of the planet’s freshwater supply
    Half a million lakes 4,500 rivers
  • National sport
    Ice hockey
  • One of the planet’s largest rivers
    The St. Lawrence River Runs through Quebec over nearly 1,200 kilometres

Quebec’s regions are unique and all have their own appeal.

The province of Quebec, the largest Canadian province, is made up of 17 administrative regions. Cegeps are spread out throughout the province and each offers its own host of specific programs. Discover each region’s economy and the different cultural and tourist attractions that await you.

Ville de Québec Montréal T-N N-B États-Unis Ontario