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Martin Belporo

Cameroon Cégep Beauce-Appalaches
The groups are small, and the teachers have time to answer our questions.

I came from Cameroon in the winter of 2015 to study Information Technology at Cégep Beauce-Appalaches. By choosing a céegp outside of a major urban centre, I obtained an exemption which allowed me to pay the same tuition fees as Quebec students.

Living in student residence allowed me to make friends quickly. I’m a member of the Condors soccer team and a stage technician for the sociocultural club’s shows. I also like to watch Condor football and volleyball matches.

Here, teaching is focused on the practical aspects. The groups are small, and the teachers have time to answer our questions. Student-teacher relations are very cordial, and the teachers are always available. We sometimes even get to ask questions when casually meeting a teacher in the hallway.

My time in Beauce has allowed me to discover a new culture without having to learn another language. Plus, I find some Beauce expressions really funny…

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