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Rawane Thioye Ndiaye

Senegal Cégep de Trois-Rivières
I didn’t have any trouble adapting, since I established strong friendships with other students

After finishing my baccalauréat in experimental science (s2 series) in Senegal, my parents decided to send me to Canada to further my studies, since Canada offers some of the best academic programs in the world. I chose Building Mechanical Systems Technology, a really interesting program.

Being immersed in a completely different culture, acclimatizing to a new lifestyle, and accepting new ways of thinking and doing things that are often opposite to what we’re used to is a wonderful experience that allows you to grow, to keep questioning your beliefs and become more open to others.

Cégep de Trois-Rivières organized a welcoming committee for our arrival. One of the things I noticed about this country is just how welcoming Canadians are. I didn’t have any trouble adapting, since I established strong friendships with other students. Studying in Canada is an experience that has been beneficial for me in a personal capacity as well as a professional one. I got the chance to visit cities like Montreal, Québec, Sherbrooke and Edmonton. All in all, if I had to evaluate my experience, I would say that this period of my life is one of the best I have ever had.

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