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In order to see the rates that apply to your situation, please complete the following sentence:

All pre-university courses and technical courses except those whose rates are otherwise indicated Physics and Arts and literature Biology
Tuition fees1 Choose your country
Other fees2 400 $CA / year
Living expenses3 15 078 $CA / year

1Last update : 202-05-30 – Subject to change without prior notice. Tuition fees (2023-2024) are determined by the Quebec’s ministère de l’Enseignement supérieur.

2Tuition fees vary depending on programs of study.

3 This amount is an estimate of the average cost of studying in a cégep for a year. It includes, among other things, the following expenses: housing, settling-in expenses, food, clothing, books and school supplies and social activities.
Source : ministère de l’Immigration, de la Francisation et de l’Intégration