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12 Programs found

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  • Technical Program code: 410B0

    This program trains individuals to become accounting and management technicians. [...]

  • Preuniversity Program code: 500A1

    The objective of the Arts, Letters and Communication program is to provide the student with a balanced education that includes basic cultural training and general education. It also aims to better align college with programs offered at the university level. The [...]

  • Technical Program code: 561BB

    This program trains students to become professional, classical or contemporary dancers able to deal with the demands of putting on a public performance of new or classic choreographic works in different work environments. [...]

  • Technical Program code: 322A1

    This program trains individuals to become early childhood educators. [...]

  • Technical Program code: 410F0

    The Financial services and insurance technology program trains students to become technicians who have the skills and knowledge required to exercise the following professions: [...]

  • Technical Program code: 190B0

    This program trains individuals to become forestry technologists able to apply and develop techniques related to sustainable forest management and timber harvesting. [...]

  • Technical Program code: 570C0

    Industrial design technicians are capable of working in different types of processing and manufacturing companies, mainly those specialized in furniture, machinery and equipment, pulp and paper, lighting, telecommunications and plastic products. They can also work [...]

  • Preuniversity Program code: 700B0

    Through a consistent, integrated and rigorous program of study, the Liberal Arts program enables students to discover the intellectual legacy of modern civilization and acquire a solid foundation of knowledge and skills preparing them for university studies. In [...]

  • Technical Program code: 582A1

    L’intégrateur est celui qui assemble sur ordinateur le matériel des infographistes, des rédacteurs, des spécialistes en son, en image et en vidéo pour produire une application multimédia qui sera diffusée entre autres sur cédérom ou sur Internet. [...]

  • Preuniversity Program code: 501A0

    This pre-university program is intended to give students a balanced education that includes a general education component and a component specific to music. This will enable them to pursue university studies in this field. [...]

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