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12 Programs found

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  • Preuniversity Program code: 500A1

    The objective of the Arts, Letters and Communication program is to provide the student with a balanced education that includes basic cultural training and general education. It also aims to better align college with programs offered at the university level. The [...]

  • Technical Program code: 410D0

    This program trains individuals to become business management technicians. [...]

  • Technical Program code: 420B0

    The Computer Science Technology program trains students to become computer technicians who shall exercise their profession in the fields of application development and network administration. [...]

  • Technical Program code: 244A0

    This program trains individuals to become applied engineering physics technologists. [...]

  • Technical Program code: 393A0

    Documentation technicians are documentary information specialists who use rigorous methods to organize and manage all categories of documents kept in different documentary facilities in the public, parapublic and private sectors. [...]

  • Preuniversity Program code: 700B0

    Through a consistent, integrated and rigorous program of study, the Liberal Arts program enables students to discover the intellectual legacy of modern civilization and acquire a solid foundation of knowledge and skills preparing them for university studies. In [...]

  • Technical Program code: 561C0

    This program trains individuals to become professional actors capable of dealing with the demands of putting on a public performance of theatrical creations and works from Quebec and abroad in different venues and locations. It trains them to be multi-dimensional, [...]

  • Technical Program code: 561A0

    This program brings together two training requirements: versatility and specialization.Versatility is acquired through general knowledge and the exploration of various stage professions. Specialization stems from the acquisition of specific skills in one of the [...]

  • Preuniversity Program code: 200B0

    The Science program is a pre-university program intended to provide students with a balanced education which integrates the basic components of rigorous scientific and general education and equips students to pursue university studies in the pure and applied [...]

  • Preuniversity Program code: 700A0

    The double DCS combines two preuniversity programs. While a double DCS is a three-year program (regular preuniversity programs are two years in length), it remains a preuniversity program and does not aim labour market integration upon graduation. [...]

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