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25 Programs found

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  • Technical Program code: 241A0

    This program provides individuals with the skills and knowledge they need to design various mechanical components, plan for the manufacturing of these components and ensure quality control. The program also aims to help students understand, analyze, summarize and [...]

  • Technical Program code: 589B0

    This program trains individuals to become: radio production technicians, advertising consultants or coordinators, journalists. [...]

  • Technical Program code: 582A1

    L’intégrateur est celui qui assemble sur ordinateur le matériel des infographistes, des rédacteurs, des spécialistes en son, en image et en vidéo pour produire une application multimédia qui sera diffusée entre autres sur cédérom ou sur Internet. [...]

  • Technical Program code: 180A0

    This program trains individuals to become nurses. Graduates must successfully pass the exam issued by the Ordre des infirmières et infirmiers du Québec (OIIQ) in order to obtain a licence to [...]

  • Technical Program code: 412AA

    The Office System Technology program consists of one common core and two specialization options. The Office Work Coordination specialization trains individuals to become office work coordinators while the Micropublishing and Hypermedia specialization trains individuals [...]

  • Technical Program code: 210D0

    La formation en Procédés industriels, c’est pour opérer les équipements de production en usine et optimiser le procédé de transformation de la matière première utilisée dans des industries telles que : les alumineries, les mines, les usines de pâtes e [...]

  • Technical Program code: 430B0

    This program trains individuals to become managers in the food service industry. [...]

  • Preuniversity Program code: 200B0

    The Science program is a pre-university program intended to provide students with a balanced education which integrates the basic components of rigorous scientific and general education and equips students to pursue university studies in the pure and applied [...]

  • Preuniversity Program code: 700A0

    The double DCS combines two preuniversity programs. While a double DCS is a three-year program (regular preuniversity programs are two years in length), it remains a preuniversity program and does not aim labour market integration upon graduation. [...]

  • Preuniversity Program code: 300M0

    The Social Science program is intended to enable students to pursue university studies in the broad areas of social science, law, education and administration through scientific learning based on the integration of knowledge and methods acquired in various Social [...]

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