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29 Programs found

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  • Technical Program code: 561BB

    This program trains students to become professional, classical or contemporary dancers able to deal with the demands of putting on a public performance of new or classic choreographic works in different work environments. [...]

  • Technical Program code: 561BA

    This program trains students to become professional, classical or contemporary dancers able to deal with the demands of putting on a public performance of new or classic choreographic works in different work environments. [...]

  • Technical Program code: 571A0

    This program trains individuals to become fashion designers. [...]

  • Technical Program code: 571C0

    Fashion marketing technicians work at various levels of the fashion marketing industry, including wholesale or retail sales, store layouts and promotion, and may be employed as representatives, supervisors, managers, assistant managers, buyers, promotional event [...]

  • Technical Program code: 570G0

    The program trains individuals to become graphic designers. This program brings together two training requirements: versatility and mastery of specific technical skills. [...]

  • AEC Program code: 574A0

    The Illustration and Animation Program (Specialization A – Illustration) aims to train people who could work as illustrators or animation artists. Illustrators are visual artists who work in the Communications industry. They develop concepts, design sketches, [...]

  • Technical Program code: 570D0

    This program trains individuals to become display designers. [...]

  • Technical Program code: 570C0

    Industrial design technicians are capable of working in different types of processing and manufacturing companies, mainly those specialized in furniture, machinery and equipment, pulp and paper, lighting, telecommunications and plastic products. They can also work [...]

  • Technical Program code: 570E0

    This program trains individuals to become interior designers. [...]

  • Technical Program code: 582A1

    L’intégrateur est celui qui assemble sur ordinateur le matériel des infographistes, des rédacteurs, des spécialistes en son, en image et en vidéo pour produire une application multimédia qui sera diffusée entre autres sur cédérom ou sur Internet. [...]

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