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128 Programs found

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  • Preuniversity Program code: 500AK

    Le programme Arts et Lettres se fait peau neuve. Certains cégeps offriront le programme sous son nouveau nom, Arts, lettres et communication, dès la rentrée à l’automne 2014, alors que d’autres cégeps intégreront les modifications lors de la rentrée de 2015. Dè [...]

  • Preuniversity Program code: 500A1

    The objective of the Arts, Letters and Communication program is to provide the student with a balanced education that includes basic cultural training and general education. It also aims to better align college with programs offered at the university level. The [...]

  • Preuniversity Program code: 500AL

    The objective of the Arts, Letters and Communication program is to provide the student with a balanced education that includes basic cultural training and general education. It also aims to better align college with programs offered at the university level. The [...]

  • Preuniversity Program code: 500AH

    The objective of the Arts, Letters and Communication program is to provide the student with a balanced education that includes basic cultural training and general education. It also aims to better align college with programs offered at the university level. The [...]

  • Preuniversity Program code: 500AE

    Ce programme d’études préuniversitaires permet d’acquérir des connaissances générales dans le domaine des arts, de la culture et des médias en général, et plus spécifiquement reliés à l’option choisie, dans le but de se préparer à des études universitaires. Ain [...]

  • Technical Program code: 280D0

    Avionics technicians can work for companies that operate aicraft, for repair, overhaul and maintenance companies or for manufacturers of aircraft and aircraft components. [...]

  • Technical Program code: 140C0

    This program, previously indexed as Code 140.B0, was updated to 140.C0 in 2016. It trains individuals to be capable of performing analyses, doing technical work and collaborating in research and development. The data and interpretations they provide contribute [...]

  • Technical Program code: 221C0

    This program trains individuals to work as building systems technicians who ensure the proper functioning of mechanical systems and manage the energy cost of buildings. These technicians can work on plumbing, heating, ventilation, air conditioning, refrigeration [...]

  • Technical Program code: 410D0

    This program trains individuals to become business management technicians. [...]

  • Technical Program code: 561D0

    This program trains individuals to become professional and versatile professional circus performers capable of creating their own acts and characters. Upon completion of the program, graduates must not only excel in one circus discipline or another, they must also [...]

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