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Joris Kienou

Burkina Faso Cégep André-Laurendeau
I fell in love with the education system here.

I arrived in Québec in September 2019 as a visitor, along with my family. I fell in love with the education system here. I think all students should have to go to college before continuing with their education.

My favourite thing about studying in Canada is that the education system is designed to leave no one out: whether you’re a good, average, or excellent student, you’re all treated the same. The school does everything it can to help its students succeed. Back home, your classes are the same as the classes your older brothers took ten or fifteen years ago. The system doesn’t really get updated. It’ clear that here, it does get updated.

My classmates have a lot of empathy for international students. I tell just about anyone who will listen that Quebecers have a strong sense of curiosity! You only get to study once, even if you can do it at any age, so your studies are precious.

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