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Rim Guérida

Morocco Cégep André-Laurendeau
It can be hard to study abroad, especially when you’re so far from your family, your loved ones, and everyone in your country, but it’s worth it!

I chose to come here to study because the programs available in Morocco are more theoretical than practical. […] I want to eventually become an electronics engineer.

The teachers are what I enjoy the most about studying at my cégep; they’re always here when you need them. When you ask them a question, they take the time to answer you. They stick with you and explain until you’ve understood, until you’ve really grasped it. I really like the teaching methods here. In my program, you get two hours of theory and three hours of practical work. What you learn in theory, you actually do in practice in the same week. You get to visualize what you’re studying and doing, so you’re not just working in the abstract. I think you understand what you’re doing better this way: you’re not just fumbling along in the dark.

It can be hard to study abroad, especially when you’re so far from your family, your loved ones, and everyone in your country, but it’s worth it!

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