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3 Programs found

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  • Preuniversity Program code: 500AL

    The objective of the Arts, Letters and Communication program is to provide the student with a balanced education that includes basic cultural training and general education. It also aims to better align college with programs offered at the university level. The [...]

  • Preuniversity Program code: 500AE

    Ce programme d’études préuniversitaires permet d’acquérir des connaissances générales dans le domaine des arts, de la culture et des médias en général, et plus spécifiquement reliés à l’option choisie, dans le but de se préparer à des études universitaires. Ain [...]

  • Preuniversity Program code: 506A0

    This pre-university program is based on a humanistic approach. Focused on personal development, it provides students with training in body mechanics that is functional, up-to-date and versatile as well as theoretical training that favours the acquisition of intellectual [...]

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