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Adjo Mawuto Akouesso

Togo Cégep Gérald-Godin
I was lucky to have nice teachers and to make friends quickly, which really helped me integrate.

My name is Adjo Mawuto Akouesso, and I’m from Togo. After obtaining my French baccalaureate, and after a lot of research, I decided to immigrate to Quebec to pursue my studies in Accounting and Management Technology (Techniques de comptabilité et de gestion) at Cégep Gérald-Godin. Today, I’m very happy that I chose this comprehensive and multifaceted program. In addition to acquiring all the skills of a manager, I also know a lot of accounting. I now have several career and university options before me. I’d strongly recommend this program to anyone who wants to come to Canada but who doesn’t know what to study — it offers nothing but good things. I’m about to graduate and I can’t wait to work as a manager and learn more about business administration. Cégep Gérald-Godin is very welcoming and offers a variety of activities. I was lucky to have nice teachers and to make friends quickly, which really helped me integrate.

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