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Émilie Berthomieu

France Cégep de Sorel-Tracy
In all my years of schooling, I’ve never seen professors who are so involved.

Hello, my name is Emilie. I’m from France and I enrolled at the Cégep de Sorel-Tracy in January 2019, in their Special Care Counselling program (Techniques d’Éducation Spécialisée). It was the best decision I’ve made in my life. Studying abroad has taught me more about myself, but above all, it’s provided me with a quality education. In all my years of schooling, I’ve never seen professors who are so involved. They maintain good contact with their students, make themselves available, and listen to our struggles. My professors have always supported me and believed in me, never letting me believe that I wasn’t cut out for this kind of work. I’m really grateful. I sincerely believe that if I’d done these studies in France, it wouldn’t have been as enjoyable. On top of that, there’s a lot of technical job opportunities to strengthen my education. I really appreciate knowing that, even while you’re in training, employers trust you and offer you work as a special care counsellor. It all bodes well for the future.

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