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8 Programs found

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  • Technical Program code: 111A0

    Working in a recognized profession, dental hygienists play the role of both oral hygiene practitioners and educators. They work alongside dentists, applying preventive, educational and therapeutic measures aimed at preventing oral disease. They also promote good [...]

  • Technical Program code: 140C0

    This program, previously indexed as Code 140.B0, was updated to 140.C0 in 2016. It trains individuals to be capable of performing analyses, doing technical work and collaborating in research and development. The data and interpretations they provide contribute [...]

  • Technical Program code: 120A0

    Dietetic Technicians are food and nutrition specialists who perform various management activities. The Dietetic Technology program provides the training required to work in the fields of clinical and community nutrition, food service management, food quality control [...]

  • Technical Program code: 230AA

    This program trains individuals to become geomatics technicians. Geomatics technicians collect, store, process, produce and disseminate spatial or geographical data. They work in small or large geomatics or cartography companies in the private, public and parapublic [...]

  • Technical Program code: 210AA

    This program trains individuals to become technicians who work in manufacturing companies, mainly in the agri-food and pharmaceutical sectors as well as in environmental laboratories. They can also find employment in the laboratories of biotechnology businesses [...]

  • Technical Program code: 241A0

    This program provides individuals with the skills and knowledge they need to design various mechanical components, plan for the manufacturing of these components and ensure quality control. The program also aims to help students understand, analyze, summarize and [...]

  • Technical Program code: 412AA

    The Office System Technology program consists of one common core and two specialization options. The Office Work Coordination specialization trains individuals to become office work coordinators while the Micropublishing and Hypermedia specialization trains individuals [...]

  • Technical Program code: 141A0

    This program trains individuals to become respiratory therapists. Graduates of the program can become members of the Ordre professionnel des inhalothérapeutes du Québec. [...]

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