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6 Cegeps
Technical program

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  • Prerequisites

    Program Objectives

    Multimedia integrators are responsible for the computer-assisted assembling of material provided by graphic designers and writers as well as sound, image and video specialists in order to produce a multimedia application to be distributed using such platforms as CDs or the Internet.

    As experts, they are called upon to find original solutions needed in order to achieve a finished product. As specialists, they program the interactivity of multimedia applications and create a montage using various parts of the overall content. As a generalist, they know how to create the different components of a multimedia document and add their own personal touch to the work done by designers, writers and artists.

    Working in the multimedia field means creating interactive products for Web sites, CDs, DVDs and all other future platforms. Integrators must therefore master the main multimedia integration software programs, have in-depth knowledge of graphic and audio communication, and be able to work as part of a multidisciplinary team. They must also be highly disciplined, creative, have a sense of aesthetics and an open mind, and enjoy sharing ideas.

    Integrators work as part of teams mandated with producing all types of multimedia documents. Their skills and knowledge are called upon at every stage of the production process: they ensure the project’s technical feasibility, take part in the creative process, assemble audio, visual and animated elements, and ensure quality control.


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